Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Scholars in ACTION...

I admire the PaCEF scholars' commitment in teaching values and in helping the children read, 
Here are some pictures that would show how focused they are in their tasks. 
I know their attitude towards work will help them someday in their profession...I also believe in my heart that by sharing their time and talent  to these children, they are able to REACH OUT and TOUCH their LIVES....

 Patrick patiently teaching a Grade 2 pupil how to read correctly....

 Gemaine reading the test item to a Grade 1 pupil 

Chelissa and Angela assisting the Grade 2 pupil during an activity 

Zaida, Regina and Mark Anthony assisting the Grade 1 pupils during their periodical exam

Mark Anthony giving instruction to the Grade 1 pupils  

Patrick telling a story to the Grade 2 children 

Regina, Zaida and Mark Anthony assisting the Grade 1 teacher in correcting the papers... 

 Angela helping a Grade 2 pupil to read 

Regina correcting the papers of the Grade 1 pupils...

Gemaine and I arranging the test papers from highest to lowest...

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