Monday, September 30, 2013

PaCEF's Values Education: About Me

PaCEF's Values Education: About Me

I designed this blog to inspire and to share the experiences that I and the PaCEF scholars have gained from our  passion to reach out and touch the lives of  pupils through the Values Education Program of PaCEF. 

My blog is filled with activities and experiences of  our PaCEF scholars that depict how we implement the program on Values to the children of Sto. Niño Elementary School. 

My goal is to make others believe that they can MAKE a DIFFERENCE in the lives of the Filipino children by engaging themselves in the program and become advocates of Values Education.  

Visual Aids Preparation...

Among the preparations of the PaCEF scholars before they started to teach Values Education to the children in Sto. Niño Elementary School were to prepare the  modules and the visual aids.    

Titser Che and Titser Angela preparing the lessons

Patrick, Mark and Gemaine preparing the visual aids..."Ano yun, Patrick?"

Mark, Gemaine and I ...we should do things from the heart....we need to SMILE while at work...

Patrick, Mark, Gemaine and focused with what they are doing...

Angela, Patrick and Gemaine ...galing nilang mag drawing...

Serious sila...I need to guide them in the preparation of modules

The MEETING with the Principal and the Teachers.....

            Meeting with Sir Medina, the Principal and the teachers of Sto. Nino Elementary School.


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Up Close and Personal with ZAIDA....

It has been more than a year since the PaCEF scholars have committed themselves to teach values to young school children. time flies....

I believe it's about time that we get to know these scholars UP CLOSE and with PRIDE and HONOR. may I present to you our Values Ed Student Teachers....

Zaida G. Bucu
#262 San Rafael, Guagua,Pampanga
Date of Birth            :October 27, 1994
Age                             :18yrs old
Place of Birth           :Guagua, Pampanga
Civil Status               :Single
Citizenship               :Filipino
Religion                    :Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name        :Gisela G. Bucu
Occupation              :Housewife
Father’s Name         :Antonio Bucu
Occupation              :Driver

Guagua Elementary School
Guagua, Pampanga
Year Graduated: 2006

Guagua National College High School
Guagua, Pampanga
Year Graduated: 2010

Mary the Queen College, Pampanga
GSO Road, San Matias, Guagua, Pampanga
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
(Fourth Year College)

Dreams and Aspirations:

I aim to finish my studies and give my parents a better life. I want them to have a little taste of good life after the long years of hardship. I would like to become a CPA someday because this is what I dream since I was in high school. I want this to come true because I believe that this would open  a lot of opportunities for me in life. 

1. What are you fondly called by your family members, friends and relatives?
My family and close friends call me, Zai… some of my friends and classmates call me,  Zeada or sometimes Zai, my other close friends though sometimes call me  “labs”.

2.  What are your hobbies and interests?
 I am love reading.  I usually use my idle time reading my books and any reading materials that are available I also love playing badminton.

3. What motivates  you to join PaCEF?
I applied for the scholarship because of our family's financial difficulty but as time passes by, I began to like what I am doing and so I  develop the love of teaching the children.  

4. What are some of the memorable experiences you had with the school children?
At first, I do not know how to discipline them.  But later on, I have developed my self confidence and authority towards them, and so I already know how to make them behave and listen to my discussion.  I have learned the skill how to interact with them, and I have realized that in telling stories to them, I have to be animated and my voice should be loud and clear.  
I am happy whenever I see them putting into action what I taught them like: kissing the hands of the elders and saying “Po” and “Opo” and “Salamat Po”. I feel joy in my heart whenever they talk talk me and treat me like their elder sister and teacher.  I most happy when I am with them.  I feel glad given the opportunity to reach out to them and touch their lives by teaching values. 

5. If there are changes you would recommend in terms of the teaching and learning process, what would these be?

I wish there will be more time for me to be with the school children so I can really make a follow up on their behavior and teach them values. 

More materials to be used to facilitate teaching and learning process.Innovative materials that are really useful and that will get the attention of the children for them to become interested in the lesson.
More time to brainstorm with the teachers in charge for them to help us develop effective materials and strategies for our lessons to be more effective.  

A seminar-workshop with them and team building so that we can establish a good rapport and better relationship with them.

6. What are the Changes PaCEF has done to your life as a student and as a person?

It has opened an opportunity for me to teach the children.  The experience has really changed my attitude towards the children who are willing to learn.

The experience in teaching has made me realize that teaching is a challenging profession because one has to really be good in imparting knowledge and also in disciplining the school children. 

It has helped me financially for,  because of PaCEF I was able to continue my studies, and I would to take this opportunity to thank all our benefactors and sponsors especially PaCEF for my scholarship. 


Chelissa Ann Vidal
San Jose, Sta. Rita,  Pampanga


Date of Birth            :July 12, 1994
Age                             :19yrs old
Place of Birth           :Manila
Civil Status               :Single
Citizenship               :Filipino
Religion                    :Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name        :Delia Vidal
Occupation              :Self Employed
Father’s Name         :Silvestre Vizcayno
Occupation              :NONE


Santa Rita Elementary School
San Jose, Sta. Rita, Pampanga
Year Graduated: 2006
Santa Rita College
San Jose, Sta. Rita, Pampanga
Year Graduated: 2010
Mary the Queen College, Pampanga
GSO Road, San Matias, Guagua, Pampanga
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
(Fourth Year College)

Dreams and Aspirations:

As I journey through the challenges that go along my way, never in my life did I cease dreaming of a better life. To dream for me is to be alive, to push myself to do my best no matter what. Having a picture in my mind the implications of success which I started to visualize since I was a little girl, I am motivated  to pursue my studies and finish a degree.  I dream of my family having a good future, seeing them delivered from the bondage of poverty. More than uplifting our status in life and having a stable job, I aspire to become a reporter, a CPA and business woman. I know many dreams may not come to reality, but I live with these dreams to help me to go on with life.  With these in mind, I strive to make the best out of me.  I also believe that it is only when I have touched the lives of others that I can have a successful life.  I have felt in my teaching values to the young children as something that is rewarding and self-fulfilling and I know with the experience, my dreams and aspirations are not far-fetched.  

1.       What are you fondly called by family members, friends and relatives?
My family call  me Che-Che since I was a little girl. Some of my friends have given me pet names such as “chie”, “bata”, “yumi”, “little sis”, “prenbes” and “couz” , though  my relatives call me “che”.

2.       Hobbies and Interests:
A hobby that can relieve my everyday stress is watching television. For some reason I often caught myself sitting in front of television watching news, dramas, talk shows, documentaries and including cartoons that catch my attention. Watching makes me gain knowledge which contribute a lot in my formulation of ideas. Other interests include meeting new friends, listening to people with wisdom and learning new things.  

3.       What motivated you to join PaCEF?
My best motivation are my dreams in life. The very reason why  I am facing all the challenges  is that I believe that after all these years of sacrifices, I will  finally get my diploma. I have tried several times before applying for a scholarship and I have never stopped praying, that’s why when my Theology teacher, Mrs. Charito Acuna advised me to apply to PaCEF as scholars, I immediately went to the office of Ma'am Fe Gonzales to apply for the said scholarship.  Thank God I was lucky enough to be chosen. I know I can share my knowledge, values and abilities to inspire the young minds of the children. This  keeps my burning passion to teach values and stay in PaCEF.

4.       What are some of the memorable experiences you had with the school children?
The first day of teaching at school and being a student teacher is the most memorable experience that I have. It was so stressful and frustrating, I was so worried because I don’t even know how to teach the subject matter and how to manage a class of 52. I was really nervous because I don’t have any experience of teaching before and I really do not know how to get the attention of the pupils. Those challenges for me were really unforgettable because they have given me the opportunity to grow and to learn new things. I will never forget the moment I have inspired the lives of the children and the way they have touched my life. The experience I know will remain in my heart for the rest of my life.

5.    If you have recommendations in terms of the teaching and learning process, what would these be?
Changes are inevitable, and we have to adapt according to the environment, situation and people surrounding us. To change the learning process is to consider  the complexity of the system itself and the demand of the teachers and admin staff. But if I am going to suggest changes, it would not be the way we teach, rather, it will be to know the needs of the students. Something realistic, like the values education and reading session that give immense help.  If we listen to every story of each pupil which affect their behavior, something will touch your heart.  It is a reality that some of them  do not have  food to eat, no pencil to use, no parents to guide them and no slippers to wear. To know and realize the needs of the pupils is what I would want to be given focused to.

6.       What are the changes PaCEF has done to your life as a student and as a person?
PaCEF has challenged me to balance my studies and my responsibility as a student teacher. It has helped me to  open my eyes to think not only for myself but also for my pupils. It is not easy to adapt one self to new situations, but I was able to manage, accept, and appreciate it. More than the financial reason, PaCEF has contributed in improving my personality, having discipline, patience, and perseverance. I was once also one of those elementary pupils who dream to pursue my college which my parents have not experienced. Thank you for the opportunity to become one of the scholars or student-teachers. It has changed my perspective about life.  I know that with this experience I will  value education more and keep my values as I go along my journey to  life.

The Birth of Reading Enrichment Advocacy (REAd)...

REAd Management Plan

(Reading Enrichment Advocacy) 






            Reading is a basic skill that is taught in Elementary particularly in Grades 1 and 2. Learning to read serves as the foundation for the pupils to understand other subjects like Math, English, Filipino, Science and other subjects in the curriculum.

In some educational institutions, some teachers express their dream of not having non readers and slow readers in their class.  However, it is a reality that still, there are pupils who have difficulty in reading and even pupils who cannot really read.  Even with the teacher’s effort and with the use of strong instructional program, like the use of new methodologies and strategies, some pupils will still require additional support, a one on one tutorial for them to be able to read and ultimately become good readers.

Basically, learning to read typically begins with a focus on decodingsymbols; however, there are some pupils who do not also develop large vocabularies and the ability to understand what they have read.  As a result, these pupils have difficulty in learning their lessons and performing the tasks required by their teachers in their subjects. There is therefore a need for an intervention like the tutorial sessions that will bridge the gap between the difficulty of the learner in reading and his or her academic performance. 

This designed intervention will help the children develop their abilities best by providing them regular, systematic and explicit instruction.  The REAd (Reading Enrichment Advocacy) of Community Extension and Development Office aims to helpstruggling Grade 1 and 2 readers not to be behind their peers and will serve as an additional support for these children to become good readers. Furthermore, this designed intervention will help the learners develop best their abilities by providing them systematic and explicit instruction.  Through this program, the learners will develop confidence and love for reading. 


1.  To cut down the number of non-readers in Grades 1 and 2 in Sto. Nino
Elementary School.
2.  To inculcate and develop  love of reading to the young minds of Grades 1 and 2
3.  To introduce new strategies in teaching reading  and comprehension to the pupils. 
4.  Tocintroduce new and effective instructional materials in reading.
5.  To improve the academic performance of Grades 1 and 2.


1.  Introduce and implement a remedial reading class. The Reading Enrichment
      Advocacy (REAd)
2.  Individual tutoring of volunteers to each pupil.
3.  Provision of new and interesting materials in reading. Children who
are exposed to and who have access to attractive, interesting,
well written books  are more likely to practice reading to achieve
mastery of the alphabetic principle.
4.  Encouragement of the teachers and the parents to support and assist
in the REAd program.
5.  Giving of incentives to the most improved tutee.


1.  Failure on the child to become interested in learning. Pupil’s lack of interest.
2.  Lack of funding. No transportation provided for the volunteers
3.  Non participation of the parents in the program. No parental involvement
4.  Calamities.  Flooding of classrooms which may result for classes to be cancelled
or suspended.


1.  Donations of books
2.  Outsourcing of other schools effective strategy (Benchmarking)
3.  Meeting with the parents. Engage the parents of slow and non-readers in helping their child read.
4.  Improve the set-up in classrooms to make it a comfortable place to read

Strategy on Outsourcing:

1.  Invite speakers and conduct a Free Seminar on Reading. RAP and IRAP
2.  Ask donations of reading materials from stakeholders. 

I was actually inspired with our desire to help the slow readers in Sto. Nino Elementary school, so I just thought of coming up with this advocacy...I had the intention to institutionalize the program and so I attended the Reading Association of the Philippines' Demofest last September 12 to 15, 2013 in Dynasty Hotel in Cagayan de Oro City to update myself with the new trends and strategies in teaching Reading.  I am glad that I am now also a registered member of the organization which is called the Reading Association of the Philippines.  

REAd is now an institutionalized program of the Community Development and Extension Office of Mary the Queen College Pampanga.   I am also  happy to tell our readers that PaCEF is one of our partners in implementing this program because of its scholars.  

I know that with our joint effort we will can help in the Literacy of the Filipino children.  

The Scholars in ACTION...

I admire the PaCEF scholars' commitment in teaching values and in helping the children read, 
Here are some pictures that would show how focused they are in their tasks. 
I know their attitude towards work will help them someday in their profession...I also believe in my heart that by sharing their time and talent  to these children, they are able to REACH OUT and TOUCH their LIVES....

 Patrick patiently teaching a Grade 2 pupil how to read correctly....

 Gemaine reading the test item to a Grade 1 pupil 

Chelissa and Angela assisting the Grade 2 pupil during an activity 

Zaida, Regina and Mark Anthony assisting the Grade 1 pupils during their periodical exam

Mark Anthony giving instruction to the Grade 1 pupils  

Patrick telling a story to the Grade 2 children 

Regina, Zaida and Mark Anthony assisting the Grade 1 teacher in correcting the papers... 

 Angela helping a Grade 2 pupil to read 

Regina correcting the papers of the Grade 1 pupils...

Gemaine and I arranging the test papers from highest to lowest...

Message to the Scholars During the Awarding of Certificate of Recognition

Dr. Rouel S. Roque, JPI President and founder of PaCEF, Miss Alicia L. Santos, our beloved Principal of Mansgold Elementary School, our dear teachers, our JPI scholars and volunteers, guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning.

Achieving something is NOT what life is all about, for receiving a certificate because you have accomplished something is just the beginning of a new life, new challenges and new journey.  It is just a phase in life where we will have to move on to what is next; to teach values and to discover more what life offers, to explore and embark into new challenges and responsibilities as teachers of values.

Yes, we do not know if our journey in teaching values to the children will be successful, because there will always be trials, failures and mistakes encountered, but what is important is, we have made a choice and a decision…a STEP to DO something that is for the good of these children.

As we move towards our mission, and as we continue our journey, may we be reminded that life provides us with many options; to go on or give up, to hold on or to let go, to stay or leave, but it is comforting to know that God remains faithful whichever way we go. Congratulations for your achievement. GO FORTH and MAKE A DIFFERENCE in this world!

Maria Fe B. Gonzales
PaCEF's Project Director

The Memorandum of Agreement...



This Memorandum of Agreement is made and entered into by and between:

            The Pampanga Children’s Education Fund through its mission statement which aims to support and help enrich the existing programs of schools on values.  Likewise, it aims to advocate for and support educational reforms in the elementary and high school levels in the province of Pampanga in order to instil ethical and moral values and civic responsibility among the learners.  Herein by its EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT, DR. ROUEL S. ROQUE, 3743 Tundra Swan St. Las Vegas, Nevada  89122, herein after referred to as the SPONSORand the First Party.

STO. NIÑO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, a government learning institution which offers complete schooling from Pre Elementary to Grade VI, located at Barangay Sto. Niño, City of San Fernando, herein represented, by its ADMINISTRATOR MR. PHILIP P. MEDINA, hereinafter to as the school and the Second Party.

The First Party and the Second Party recognize the vital role of both private and public sector to the goal of uplifting the Values Formation through Values Education of the elementary learners towards the nation’s educational reforms.

In order to achieve these objectives, Pampanga Children’s Education Fund and Sto. Niño Elementary School of Barangay Sto. Niño, City of San Fernando, Pampanga agrees to perform the following rules and responsibilities:


The First Party will adopt Sto. Niño Elementary School of Barangay Sto. Niño as its beneficiary 
for the Values Education program.

Implement Values Education to all the pupils from Grade 1 to Grade 2 through its scholars and facilitators.

Conduct monitoring, assessment, evaluation, validation by the Research Team of the Party for documentation of the said program.

Provide the necessary needed incidental expenses that are related to the program.


Read; evaluate the Values Education Program of the Pampanga Children’s Education Fund.

Receive and assist the authorized personnel of the First Party conducting the implementation of the program.

Allow and assist the facilitators and Pampanga Children’s Education Fund personnel in the accomplishment of the program especially on monitoring and security upon the approval of the Principal and after the information about the program has been disseminated to the Barangay Council.

Invite the First Party to the projects of the School wherein it may contribute to the realization of its mission provided the latter will communicate it to the first party through a formal letter.


(Original Signed)                                                          (Original Signed)
MR. PHILIP P. MEDINA                                       DR. ROUEL S. ROQUE
Principal                                                                      President
Sto. Niño Elementary School                                       Pampanga Children’s Education Fund
Sto. Niño, CSFP                                                         Las Vegas, Nevada

On this date______________                                      On this date____________

                                                       Signed in the presence of 

         (Original Signed)                                                     (Original Signed)
MARIA FE B. GONZALES                                         ELSA G. ANG
Witness                                                                            Witness