Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Please say HELLO to TITSER ANGELA...

Angela Rivera Ninobla
Becuran, Sta. Rita, Pampanga

Date of Birth            November 17, 1993
Age                             19 yrs old
Place of Birth           GuaguaPampanga
Civil Status               Single
Citizenship               Filipino
Religion                     Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name         Blesilda Ninobla
Occupation               Self Employed
Father’s Name          Antonio Ninobla


Santa Rita Elementary School
San Jose, Sta. Rita, Pampanga
Year Graduated: 2006
 Becuran High School
Becuran, Sta. Rita, Pampanga
Year Graduated: 2010
Mary the Queen College, Pampanga
GSO Road, San Matias, Guagua, Pampanga
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
 (Fourth Year College)

Dreams and Aspirations:

I am one of the students who needs financial assistance just like the other scholars in PaCEF. My family do not have the financial capacity to pay for my tuition fees and to cover all the expenses of my studies, and so I applied for the scholarship.  I am happy that I qualified and I would like to say that I am determined to pursue my degree and become successful in the future. 
At present I am trying my best to manage my time, that of being a student and a student teacher in Values Education.  I am inspired with being a Values Education teacher because I am given the opportunity to reach out and teach the young minds of the children of Sto. NiƱo Elementary School.  It is my dream to see them live the values that we teach them aside from, of course, finishing a degree.

I am most grateful to our sponsors and I would just like to express my gratitude for the help they have extended to us.  May God bless  you a thousand fold.  
 1. What are you fondly called by your family, friends and relatives?
 Called by my Kuya as “GEL”, by my parents as “Lay”, and by my friends as “Anj and Gela”

2. What are your hobbies and interests?

I love reading and writing.  I use reading as a therapy to remove my stress.  In writing I express my emotions, ideas, insights and things that I want to say. 

Practically speaking, I spend most of my time in school because I am an officer of the Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (JPIA).  I am also a student  volunteer who is ready to help whenever someone needs assistance and I’m happy with this.  

I’m interested in watching movies about life.  I also like documentaries. 

 3. What motivated you to join PaCEF?

I needed a scholarship for me to continue my studies. I really want to finish a degree, but because of financial problems, I can’t.  So, when I heard about the scholarship of PaCEF,  I immediately inquired in the Outreach office and ask  Ma’am Fe about the requirements.  I have learned from her also about the Foundation. She said that the foundation is looking for scholars who can really work hard and who are willing to teach Values to school children in exchange of the scholarship.   

Being a values education teacher has helped me a lot in the improvement of my personality.  I have also gained knowledge and experience that will prepare me for the future.  With this, I have realized that I am hitting two birds with one stone. I got a scholarship and the opportunity to care about the values of the children and learned something in return.

4. What are some of the memorable experiences you had with the school children?I love the opportunity given to me to help them discover their talents and skills. I had great moments last year and until now with the kids.  I have learned to patient and have developed my skill in handling children's behavior. I love it when they call me "Titser Angela".  I love to see them smile whenever they see me and when they listen to me while I teach.

5. If there are changes you would recommend in terms of the teaching and learning process, what would these be?
I am not a professional teacher nor an education student but I’m a part of the academe as a student who dream of helping the kids learn. I want to prepare the learners for more academic tasks. I wish they have more materials in learning.  Food also is another factor to be considered.  Sometimes I wonder if the children I teach have eaten their lunch or snacks, this is a concern I wish I can do something about.  I believe that they can only listen attentively if their stomach is full.  

6. What are the changes PaCEF has done to your life as a student and as a person?
A life-changing experience, the opportunity to engage myself in helping the children to learn new things will forever remain in my heart.  In teaching values, I have developed my sense of discipline, commitment, and the heart to impart knowledge. 

Ano nga bang pagbabago ang naidulot nito sa akin? My answer is, “A purpose-driven life".  

Salamat po sa PaCEF at sa aming mga sponsors.  

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